Sometimes in the midst of a thing—an argument, a book, a movie or play—you’re faced with a choice: do I stay or do I go.
Given the sunk costs—time, money, aggravation—it’s in my nature to stick around past the point where it’s become clear (painfully clear) that it won’t end well. Excuses include, “Maybe the story will turn itself around?” and “Maybe he hasn’t heard this point of view before?”
But time and again life has demonstrated that, if it’s that bad 15 minutes/pages in, it probably isn’t going to get better. And if Mr. Guy said something that misogynistic, he probably isn’t going to benefit from my feminist viewpoint. An hour of my time, a minute of my breath, or a $15 ticket just isn’t worth the hit to my happy heart.
Today I learned that sometimes it’s okay to walk away. #bloguary